

2011年11月5日 星期六

Feel shame of myself

Today only the first midterm of this semester

I have high expectation on it

And try to put a lot of effort on it (revise each week)

I choose to seldom back Ipoh because I want to do revision in the weekend

Finally,when I face the questions of midterm

I have no confidence to settle it

Some have been done wrong already

The calculation part also need to copy my friend's answer

The whole degree life only can used two words describe:

Only Pass!!!

I feel shame of myself

And disappointed of myself too

While my friend ask me for teaching him,I wonder that I really not qualified


In degree,I want at least achieve second upper class(UpUp Ur head)

But now in rubbish list

I have been think of I not suitable in studying Banking and Finance

I only know now is "At least there have a chance,although 0.01%,I also wanna try"

